Exercise Prescription

These are exercises which target specific muscle groups or have proprioceptive or neurological benefits.


Polework Is used to re-educate gait, increase range of motion and can be used to improve an animals proprioception and co-ordination. It is useful for building muscle and animals usually enjoy it.

Baited Stretches are enjoyed particularly by food motivated animals. They help flexibility and have been shown to increase stabilising musculature

Unstable surfaces engage stabilising musculature and when used together with baited stretches challenge the proprioceptive system too.

Functional Exercises include sit to stand and down to stands for dogs and figure of eights for both horses and dogs.

Hills, slopes and changes of terrain are useful for engaging stabilising musculature, build muscle and increase proprioception. Working downhill results in eccentric contractions which builds muscle quickly but can also overload it.

Different Surfaces challenge and can improve proprioceptive and neurological systems.